Sustainability Profile

Sustainability Profile

We get it. The human species has really taken its toll on Earth. Operating our adventure company impacts the environment we rely so heavily upon for the success of our company. Whether it’s the fuel we burn driving to work, or the endless quantity of plastic Ziploc bags we use for packing-out trip food, Whynot Adventure takes its toll.

With this in mind, we are trying to lessen our impact and as such we are absolutely interested in hearing from you for any suggestions how we may improve our sustainability profile and further lessen our impact on the wilderness we rely upon.

By the very nature of our business, we are hopefully helping people opt out of participating in consumerism by renting our equipment. Often products are purchased which never see the level of use they were intended for, leading to an inefficient use of Earth’s resources. Through renting a product you are curtailing product demand (which companies will respond to by curtailing production) and helping to increase the efficiency of resources already in circulation

Our specific Whynot Adventure initiatives to date include:

Operate a hybrid vehicle to limit fossil fuel consumption (Not the Tacoma, which lives at work)

— Our little hatchback hybrid transports us to and from work and is used for our many supply runs to townships afar to bring back the resources we need for operation.

Active member of 1% For the Planet

—One Percent for the Planet is an international organization whose members contribute at least one percent of their annual sales to environmental causes. Their mission is to "build, support and activate an alliance of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet."

Annual donor to a selection of conservation, sustainability or humane focussed organizations


— Hope For Wildlife

— Nova Scotia Nature Trust

— Ecology Action Centre

— Nature Canada

Use cloth shopping bags at grocery store, hardware store, NSLC et cetera

— We made the full switch in 2019 and have eliminated single use plastic bags

Use mesh produce bags at grocery store

— What can I say, these things are awesome.

Use re-usable zippered food storage bags for packing-out trip food (produced by North Water in Vancouver, BC, these bags have totally improved our game!).

We have incorporated digital documents into our process to limit our paper and printing consumption (we’ve almost cut our paper purchase in half!). Any paper which we are required to purchase must be FSC certified. Our print advertising material is non-bleached 100% recycled paper.

We have made a conscientious decision not to sell beverages and snacks at Whynot Adventure because of plastic packaging. We installed a water filling station in the old phone booth and have sold 1L Nalgene bottles since 2016.

Our favourite insect repellant is Atlantick Spray, a locally produced repellant which uses natural ingredients and is extremely effective. While we still sell DEET products, our first choice when recommending is the Atlantick Spray. We are currently looking for a sunscreen supplier who makes an Earth friendly product.