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Employment Opportunities 2025
Before applying to work with Whynot Adventure, you should consider this: We keep a Rocket Giotto Evoluzione espresso machine at the office for all your caffeine needs. On the Fridays between paydays we leave 'non-payday' beverages in the fridge for you (beer, cider, chocolate milk, orange juice-- your choice, really). Our equipment is yours to use at no cost (try not to borrow equipment when we're sold out, but otherwise it's pretty cool). Whynot Adventure is surrounded by three stunning paddling regions (Kejimkujik, Tobeatic and Medway Lakes).
Operations Manager 2025
You love the outdoors, but you just can’t shake that little administrative devil on your shoulder. Maybe you find yourself puzzling over why colleagues cringe at the mention of a spreadsheet when instead you feel a flutter of excitement. Organizing yourself is so easy you’re left wanting to organize everyone else in your orbit. Heck, you might even enjoy the masochistic practice of scheduling!
Rental Tech 2025
Maybe this job title isn’t as glamorous as Operations Manager or Canoe Guide, but it sure is a hell of a lot of fun. Some days are so busy quitting time will arrive in the blink of an eye. On slower days, usually when it’s raining, we’ll have you puttering around doing odd jobs such as sweeping, giving the washrooms a deep clean and organizing. It’s like working in a fast food restaurant, except it’s a bit more hip, and the pay is better, and you’re serving canoes instead of burgers, and you don’t go home smelling like the fryers. Okay, it’s nothing like a fast food restaurant.
Canoe Guide 2025
We’re not looking for Lara Croft or MacGyver, but we would consider them for the position. Resourcefulness is paramount to being a guide, and so is the ability to spin a good yarn while winding it though history, lore and legend. And arguably the most important skill is the ability to cook the best backcountry food known to the wilderness. Oh, and also be able to present a genuine smile while doing the dishes (likely in the dark).
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